Baubles and birthdays at school

A few weeks ago I found a surprise in the notes we received from the school: the following Friday the three-year-olds should not bring lunch because a child turned years and he brought lunch for everyone.

I immediately thought that there was surely something on that menu that wasn't going to be too healthy. It is what usually happens at birthdays, those that we all prepare and celebrate with enthusiasm, and those that my daughter evidently also attends, in our company, and eats and drinks under our supervision of what is offered on the birthday.

But my daughter does not go alone to a birthday to eat and drink as she pleases, and especially if she is replacing a meal of the day with unhealthy foods. Like the ones that seem to have accompanied that “tax” school menu, I worried about asking before.

Chocolate milkshakes and sugary juices were drinks, drinks as we know very little recommended and that my daughter does not usually drink (as I say, only in family meals or birthdays she comes with us, and never in large quantities). Regarding the food, I think it was also sweet, one biscuits or cupcakes, I don't know if maybe industrial pastries, to add sugars and fats.

Of course, there were candy bag In the end, although it seems that it has been achieved that these gifts do not open at school, with which once at home we can select what we give and what we do not.

In summary, that my daughter brought her “milk shake” (she loves to drink the milk in those individual briks with sugar cane) and her snack, although obviously she would try the rest of the food and drink in the class.

Other opinions about goodies

I'm used to hearing that sooner or later you will try all those goodies. In fact, I answer that you have already tried them, but when we consider it convenient and in the amount we want.

I also hear that if we do not let her take those sweets she will crave them more, and although it is true that she likes them and usually asks for them, we have other healthy and also appetizing resources with those that “compensate” and with which she remains equally happy .

But what makes me worse is that they say they are not so bad. It is true that we have all eaten and "grown" with these shakes, juices and goodies, but if their consumption, as all health and nutrition experts point out, has to be eventual and moderate, I would not like my daughters to grow up thinking that it is something everyday. Because at the end of the day when there is no birthday or a party ...?

In addition, there is the question that we also commented a while ago, if there are children who are allergic and are offered some dangerous food without parental knowledge. And that this custom is also carried out in nurseries, with babies, seems inadmissible.

I am also concerned that it is the teaching and school professionals that allow these facts, I wish we were all more aware of the importance of good nutrition.

Anyway, one of my next proposals will be that I think great that birthdays are celebrated at school, but that if you want to give a gift to the children of class, that are not meals or snacks that may not be according to the customs of the little ones, and if they are goodies, that they do not open in the school. We can also opt for other alternatives to goodies.

How difficult is it to accept that we want the unhealthy foods for our children to be the less, the better? And that it is we who decide what they eat.