Gases after caesarean section: how to relieve this frequent postpartum discomfort

Usually, the post-operative of a caesarean section usually lasts several days and is a delicate process that requires a series of care for a correct recovery. Among the discomforts that are most frequently experienced after this surgery, are gas and abdominal discomfort.

We explain why gases occur after caesarean section and how can we alleviate this fearsome discomfort with some simple tips.

Why are gases produced in postpartum?

The main reason why gases are produced after postpartum is due to the slowdown of bowel function caused by the effect of epidural anesthesia.

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Although anyone can experience this unpleasant discomfort during postpartum, it is usually more common in women who have given birth by caesarean section, because due to the operation they take longer to recover their mobility, and help with its rapid elimination.

In addition, after surgery air may remain inside the body, intensifying abdominal discomfort.

What discomfort do they generate?

We all know the usual discomforts that gases carry with them, and you may even have suffered them during pregnancy. But in the early hours of the post-operative caesarean section these discomforts become more noticeable, because the woman has very limited movements and it is difficult to eliminate them, or find a position that relieves swelling.

For all this, it is frequent feel the gases expand to other parts of the body, like the back and the chest, being able to become really painful.

How to relieve gas after caesarean section?

Although the healthcare staff that will assist you will give you specific recommendations to mitigate this frequent discomfort, we give you some clues that can help you recover your intestinal transit as soon as possible.

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Stand up and walk as soon as possible

Most likely, at first it will be impossible for you to think only of the idea of ​​standing up after caesarean section. But it is essential that you do so as soon as the medical person tells you, and whenever your strength allows it.

Ask for help to stand up and walk, because that way you will be able to mobilize your intestines and that the gases will gradually disappear.

Take care of your diet the first few days

In addition to gas, cramps and abdominal discomfort, you may also suffer from constipation, so you should pay special attention to your diet during the first days or weeks after the operation.

Opt for foods rich in fiber, fruits and vegetables, and dramatically increases fluid intake. In addition, it is recommended that you choose soft cooking techniques (such as iron or steam) and eat in small quantities. All of this you facilitate the process of digestion and will help eliminate the inconvenience.

Eat slowly and avoid situations / foods that increase gas

The way in which we eat can also favor the appearance of gases, so it is recommended that you pay special attention to this point, spending time to eat calmly and chew food well.

Also, remember that there are certain foods with a higher risk of causing gases, such as legumes, garlic and onions, some fruits and vegetables ... Avoid eating until you have fully recovered.

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Chewing gum or smoking also increases the production of gases in the intestine, since with chewing gum we will be able to ingest a lot of air, as with tobacco, with which we will stimulate the production of gases by the digestive system.

Other measures that can help you

There are also additional measures that you can take to reduce symptoms, such as sleeping in the fetal position (as it is a posture that helps the expulsion of gases) and don't go to bed immediately have dinner, to help the intestine in its digestion.

With all the advice mentioned, in a matter of days you will start to feel better and the abdominal swelling and discomfort caused by the gases will disappear. In any case, be sure to check with your doctor.

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Video: Improving C-Section Recovery: The ERAS Program Helps You Heal (May 2024).