This is how neural networks multiply in children

Although somewhat precarious, with these graphics we can get an idea of how neural networks multiply in children and why childhood is a crucial period for the establishment of those connections.

The baby's brain has been forming in the womb from the moment of conception. When the baby is born, it has approximately 100,000 million neurons, but there are still very few neuronal connections, 253 million connections are estimated. The brain of humans is born with an infinite capacity to assimilate experiences, especially those that occur in the first years of life.

Neural networks will be created as the child grows through the movement and stimulation of the senses that he receives from his environment, reaching four billion neuronal connections at four years, the largest in his life.

Neurons are nerve cells capable of connecting with each other by electrochemical processes. Each neuron tunes with another 10,000 neurons, a process that focuses on learning and demonstrates the great plasticity of the human brain.

An expert in the evolution of the brain of the little ones is Eduard Punset. In his own words: "The early years are a concentrated compendium in which the brain establishes connections at the fastest growth rate it will ever reach again. Double its size!"

Video: Neural Networks and Deep Learning: Crash Course AI #3 (July 2024).