Raising without scourges: a child is the most important thing we will do in life

If we have decided to raise our children without scourges, without screaming and without punishment, in short, without any kind of violence, we will have to do a review full of self-criticism to determine what makes our task difficult and, if we are thinking of being parents , to decide before being if we should change things in our life or our mind. Because for breeding without flogging should start with training and information.

When we embark on a project of vital and long-term importance we all tend to prepare very well. Even if it's something like choosing a mortgage, insurance or a car, we think about it and rethink it, look at all the possibilities and even postpone the decision until the best economic and personal moment arrives.

A child is a billion times more important than a car, insurance or a house. It is something for life and is a person who will depend on us to meet their physical needs and also for their education, moral training and emotional health. Do we worry so much before fatherhood of being well informed and prepared to take care of it correctly?

Childbirth, postpartum and breastfeeding: let's learn about the best option

Training to be parents can be an important asset if we do not want to be surprised and we have decided to make a conscious upbringing, in which we do not get carried away by customs or by the way in which we were raised, but we want to be the owners of our decisions and make them with all the information.

There are courses, books and pages in which we can acquire a true training on parenting, with scientific data that support the importance of respecting the natural needs of children and information about their physical, emotional and cognitive processes. We should also investigate which way of birth is best for babies and look for the center that offers us the most confidence in our environment.

Breastfeeding is of enormous value for the physical health of babies and is also an element that Nature offers us to give them comfort and safety. Regarding breastfeeding there are many myths and much ignorance ... The same health professionals do not always follow the most basic recommendations and the result is, unfortunately, that many mothers and many babies are deprived of breastfeeding when there were really no impediments, but bad tips.

As important as a good birth, respected, without violence, without unnecessary separations, is a happy postpartum. The mother and the baby do not need to be the center of a circus or a show. They need privacy and peace. And they also need the care of dad and the most trusted people they decide. Learning about the physical and emotional changes of postpartum in women and also in the relationship is one of the essential prevention tasks.

A mother who feels loved and respected, whom they care for and defend in her little nest, will bond with her baby more sweetly, feel more confident in her ability to understand the baby and happier. Loving madly you can not think of the cheek. If when the baby cries or gives bad nights the mother is wrapped and receives help to take care of her child with confidence in herself and with tenderness, she will be laying the foundations of a healthy relationship. That is why it is important to understand the postpartum and be prepared for a stage that can be tough.

A good birth, a happy postpartum and a successful breastfeeding They are not indispensable to be able to breed without whipping, of course. But if they are a help for peace of mind and naturalness in emotional and physical relationships, and therefore, its importance should not be neglected. Informing and training as parents is our responsibility. If then things get twisted we will have done everything possible to make them go well and that, in addition, will make us feel better parents, better able to learn and improve ourselves.

But if we have had a disastrous and traumatic birth even, separation of the baby, a postpartum nightmare, depression, insecurity, grief and an ungrateful and promptly finished breastfeeding after many dislikes, we can also breed whipping.

Parenting Training

There are, as I said, even magnificent courses for parents who address issues of child health, safety, psychology and prevention of undesirable behaviors of parents or children. We will address them on another occasion because I think they are a good resource that will serve many parents if they decide to follow them.

The books from prestigious authors: pediatricians, gynecologists, psychologists, therapists, teachers and experienced fathers and mothers are another element that will help us a lot in the prevention of scourges. I will make a list with the most interesting ones to learn how to breed without whipping.

However, no book or expert will give us all the answers, but reading and reflecting on the behavior of children and adults will give us a series of knowledge and skills that will undoubtedly be important when we have to make the decision to raise the voice or hand

With resources you can breed whipping, but without them we are helpless before the attitudes learned. Therefore, training and information are very important. As I said at the beginning a son is the most important thing we will do in life, a new person who will live as we form him. It is a huge responsibility.

Video: Learning To Think Like Jesus with Rick Warren (July 2024).