Highlights in Babies and more: from June 7 to 13

Like every Monday, here we bring you the summary of highlights of the last week in Babies and more.

We are at the gates of summer and with it comes the heat, so we have made a summary with the ten tips for the pregnant woman in summer. Also speaking of pregnant women we have known that smoking in pregnancy harms the health of future grandchildren and we have also offered advice to get a pregnancy at the entrance I want to get pregnant: advice decalogue.

Touching issues more related to the time of delivery, we have talked about the methods of suturing in case of caesarean section in the caesarean scar, points or staples ?, we have known that premature birth is related to hereditary factors and we have talked about somewhat worrisome question, asking if it is possible for a baby to be kidnapped in the hospital, after it happened in Italy. We have also talked about a very variable topic, especially if the mother breastfeeds her baby: the reappearance of the rule after childbirth.

Entering to talk about babies and children, we have talked about one of the most typical conditions in the hip of babies in the baby has hip dysplasia, we have offered an interesting guide for parents to help discern when to go to emergencies if our child vomits: baby vomiting: when to go to the emergency room? and we have started a debate about alternative medicines asking if you trust homeopathy for your children's ailments.

We have talked about homosexual mothers and the development of their children, about the importance of preventing obesity from school, whether eating at school is educational or not, we have treated, in our Childhood Special, the legumes in infant feeding, and specifically chickpeas, and we have talked about a nursery that teaches sign language.

As summer approaches and it is the time when many parents try to have their children leave the diaper, we have talked about the small steps to leave the diaper, we have also commented that you should never leave the baby alone in the car, since there has been a case of abandoning a baby in the car to go to do other things, we have talked about whether it is safe for allergic children to eat in camps, we have offered the news that speaks about the withdrawal of the vaccine " Rotateq "by Health and we have explained what physical effects crying has on babies.

Commenting on issues about breastfeeding, we have talked about the use of the World Cup to promote breastfeeding, we have explained what kinds of breast milk there is, we have shown a beautiful video of a baby learning to drink in a glass and we have commented on the news of a flight attendant who He won a trial to defend his breastfeeding.

We hope that this week the contents of Babies and more find them interesting, enjoyable and practical. We will work to make it happen.

Video: Kownacki vs Arreola HIGHLIGHTS: August 3, 2019 PBC on FOX (July 2024).