Some antidepressants can make it hard to start breastfeeding

A study recently published by the medical journal "The Endocrine Societys Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism" warns about possible difficulties that may occur in the beginning of breastfeeding in cases of mothers medicated with certain antidepressants. The authors warn that the consumption of some of these medications can trigger a delay in the secretory activation of milk.

This is because the activation of milk production is intimately linked to the production of serotonin and precisely the serotonin reuptake inhibitor medications (such as Fluoxetine) can affect mood and emotions and also have an impact on the regulation of Serotonin in breastfeeding. The conclusion is that taking these medicines can have a negative impact by delaying the onset of breastfeeding and in the supply of breast milk for exclusive breastfeeding.

Among other samples there is one to which they give a lot of value. They studied 431 women during the time when they started producing abundant milk, and calculated that the average among those who were medicated was about 86 hours after delivery, while in which there was no medication of this type the onset occurred about 70 hours later.

The authors highlight the enormous usefulness of these medications for women who should take them, so they recommend more research to find a way to help them successfully start breastfeeding and continue breastfeeding without supplements for as long as necessary. .

Therefore, although they conclude that some antidepressants can make it hard to start breastfeeding, Their recommendation indicates that more research should be done so that these women can breastfeed their babies without difficulties or receiving help to solve them.

Via | The Endocrine Societys Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism Photo | Flickr (c r z)