How to take care of the skin of babies and children when it's cold

Although we must take care of our skin throughout the year, in the winter season we must do it even more, because situations such as low temperatures and wind can cause it to dry out and deteriorate. We know that each person reacts differently to changes in temperature, there are those who resent it most.

In the case of the little ones, their skin is more delicate, so we must take caution and special care during this time. We share some tips to take care of the skin of babies and children when it's cold.

Before sharing our advice, it is necessary to remember why it is so important to take care of the skin of babies and children during the cold season. And, in the case of babies, your skin is 30% thinner than an adult's and loses moisture up to 5 times faster.

Likewise, the skin of children is more sensitive than ours, so if our skin suffers temperature changes, imagine how the skin of children does. Therefore, we suggest some steps you can take to protect it and take better care of it.

Offered by Dove Mexico Your skin and your baby's skin are not the same: know them and learn to take care of your baby's

Coat them in layers

Sheltering babies and children correctly is one of the main steps we must take to protect your skin during the winter season. For this, wrapping them in layers is one of the most practical ways to do it, because we can add or remove layers as required.

We must avoid excess clothing, but also lack of shelter. Babies should only wear one more layer of clothing than adults do, while children should be warm as we are. If we fall into the error of overcoating them, they may feel uncomfortable and even sweat, which could be even worse for their delicate skin.

Another important factor within this point is that when we shelter them, we must choose breathable materials, like cotton, so that they do not heat it excessively and begin to sweat, as this could lead to the appearance of small pimples, especially in the areas of your body where the skin folds, such as the neck.

Try not to leave parts exposed to cold

Usually, winter clothes are usually warm enough, but we must remember that there are parts that we can sometimes leave exposed, when we shouldn't. He wearing a hat, scarf and gloves It is essential especially on the coldest days, to protect hands and face from wind and cold.

And speaking of exposed parts, we must remember that during this time we must also use sunscreen, which is something we usually associate with summer and beach, but that children should use whenever they are exposed to the sun, even on cloudy days.

Moisturizes your skin and more exposed areas

We must always keep the whole body hydrated, but in the case of the most exposed parts, such as the face and hands, we must apply moisturizer in greater quantity or more frequently, to make sure that the skin of babies and children is well hydrated.

Similarly, we must take care of the lips, which are one of the most exposed parts and in winter they tend to dry out a lot, so it is important to apply a lip balm as many times as necessary. Remember that for all this, we must use products that are consistent with the age of babies and children.

In Babies and moreHow to take care of the delicate skin of the baby in winter

Take care of the water temperature at bath time

During this time it is important to maintain proper hygiene because on many occasions or if we shelter them more than necessary, children can sweat, so a bath is important to remove all sweat residues that have been left on your skin.

At bath time we should avoid using very hot water, as this could dry your skin. The ideal is to use warm or warm water, which is approximately 32 degrees and make bath time as short as possible so as not to expose them much to cold.

Indoors, the weather is mild

Now, we should not only take care of your skin when we are outdoors during cold days. We know that when we are at home, what is most desirable is to turn on the heating to feel warm and comfortable, but it is important to remember that they are just extreme temperatures and sudden changes of this one of the main causes for which the skin dries.

Therefore, we must seek that the temperature inside the house is warm and that the environment is not dried out. To avoid the latter we can place small containers with water or use an environmental humidifier.

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