Halloween decoration

Decorate the house on Halloween, is, along with the preparation of the terrifying pumpkin, other fun activities that we can engage with our children, which they will surely enjoy. We must, however, pay close attention, because some of our proposals may scare the little ones. In that case, without teasing or pressure, it is best to remove the image.

A simple idea is to cut typical figures in black cardboard and put them in the places you decide among all, but better avoid the bedrooms; What is fun in broad daylight can be scary in the middle of the night.

We can make witches, black cats, ghosts, pumpkins, cobwebs, mice ... and stick them or hang them throughout the house, including outside.

Also, if we want to be even more original, we can add to the figurines a wire stretched from the back, wire that we will stick to a holder, so that in the middle of the darkness the candle creates a shadow on the wall with the silhouette of our figure.

The distance between the figure, which in this case we must make in sturdier cardboard to keep it rigid, should be sufficient so that it does not burn and so that it has an adequate shadow. Above all, before going to sleep, remember to blow out the candles, to avoid accidents.

With these ideas I hope that night, if your children like it, decorate the house for Halloweenquickly, easily, cheaply and above all, fun.

Video: 10 AMAZING DIY Halloween Decor Ideas. DIY Dollar Tree Halloween Decor. 2019 (July 2024).