The United States Library of Congress, also for children

We get good news from Blank Paper: the United States Library of Congress opens an area for children and young people, considering children as an important and integral part of their informative work.

Small libraries, school libraries, those known as "neighborhood" libraries or those in the villages, usually have a space for children. But the same does not happen with the large institutions that are dedicated to the adult public, which is a mistake because the space is closed to the reader of the future that is formed in those first years of life. So the example of the Library of Congress is a good role model for other large libraries.

He Young Readers Center or Center for Young Readers it will open on October 23 and comes to fulfill the wishes, more than 100 years later, of John Russell Young, librarian of Congress between 1897 and 1899. He was the one who first proposed the need to open a specially dedicated place in this building To the young readers.

It will be room number 31 of the Thomas Jefferson building, one of the three headquarters of the Library, which will become a room where families can gather to leaf through the books and parents can read aloud the texts to their children , breaking the norms of silence and the study environment of other library spaces.

This is intended to promote reading for children and adolescents. The Young Reader Center of the Library of Congress of the United States It has about 800 titles of children's and youth literature, books in Braille and in several languages. Surely many libraries listed above do not reach that amount of works ... And it is that an entity of such caliber can afford to create a space so well equipped for children. I hope you set the example.

Video: The Library of Congress Is Your Library (July 2024).