Who does my baby look like?

A few days ago we discussed the issue of similarities of babies from a more or less scientific point of view, talking about the probabilities of resembling parents or grandparents according to the genetic load of our babies.

Today I want to comment on the issue from a more social and personal point of view (my way of seeing it may not be extensive to the rest), since the theme of “who does my baby look like”Or rather, who does your baby look like, is one of the favorite conversation topics for family and friends.

The truth is that it is automatic, it is to arrive at the relatives and see the newborn baby and the phrases come out alone, as if without thinking: “Oops! How he looks like Luis! ”,“ But he does have his mother's eyes! ”,“ The mouth is of Grandpa Isidro, Fuentealbilla's! ”

Spread the legend of a mother who was present at the birth of her daughter who, when she saw the head of her grandson, shouted: "He has grandfather's eyes!" The professionals turned to the good woman with an expression of doubt and amazement (Mande?) And she, almost even more astonished, told them that she had said nothing (did I say that?).

Come on, it seems that there is no other fun than virtually sectioning babies to see how many people are made up.

If we left the subject here, it would not be too inconvenient. The problem comes when the relatives of the father say that he looks like his family and when the relatives of the mother say that he looks like his.

And let's not say if they call it: “Uff! It's Garcia, Garcia! ”(Garcia twice means he doesn't admit discussion), Martinez's faces are then a poem, because they think he's a copy of Grandpa Anselmo, may he rest in peace (and whose name they would have loved to take the baby).

Thus the first disputes and discussions (I attest, that I have lived it) of families fighting are generated because their genetic race is recognized by others in the baby that has just arrived, authentic bell battles that lengthen in time (babies grow and its physiognomy is changing) in which each one pulls hard on its end of the rope so that the center knot is in friendly ground.

And who is right?

Well, all in a certain way and none at once. The eyes of a child are not those of the grandfather, nor his nose that of his mother, nor the chin of the father. They are yours, period. He will look like one and the other, because for that he is the heir of the genes of both families, but he will learn gestures and gestures by imitation, being able to resemble more by his way of acting who less resembled at birth.

I grew up, I suppose that like many children, with the canteen of “resembling me”, they were so many times that they told me, that in the end I thought I had to be like that person and that, if I was not, I was disappointing my family members

That is why now, when someone says that my children look like me, I say "ah, it can be", and when they say they look like my wife I say, "ah, well yes", basically out of courtesy (although it is true that they look like her) and when talking about other children I try to get rid of the conversation, that then, without eating or drinking it, you say she looks like Pascual, they look at you saying, “Go, how are you going to look like a nut? that one! ”and you see yourself answering that“ I was referring to being given a physical air, it didn't mean that the child looks like a crazy person… ”(it doesn't matter, you've already screwed up).

Video: Here's What Your Baby Will Look Like (July 2024).