Results of the survey: with children we prefer to stay in apartments and hotels

The time has come to show you the results of the survey we proposed a few days ago: where do you prefer to stay on your trips with children? The results have been quite clear: Most readers when traveling with children stay in apartments and hotels.

More than 60% of the votes have occupied these two modalities. Specifically, the apartments have been the most chosen option, with 36% of the votes. And it seems that we opt for the breadth and comfort of being able to be at our leisure and prepare our meals.

Secondly the hotels and hostels, with 26% of the votes, as long as the budget allows it as you told us. And it is also taken into account the comfort of not having to do anything on vacation: that we fix the room and make us food. In addition, there are specific activities aimed at children offered by many hotels, with which entertainment is guaranteed.

Of course, it will have to be in establishments other than those we mentioned and that have generated so much controversy, hotels that do not allow children to enter.

The rural house It is the third choice of our readers. Of course, we will probably talk about different contexts: 19% of voters prefer the tranquility of a rural environment and stay in a house that offers the same comforts we had in the apartments, more typical of other environments.

The last options have been the campsite (10%) and the cruise (7%), which are obviously less frequent holiday modalities. Finally, only 3% say they do not travel with children.

We appreciate your participation in the surveys that we publish on the blog, through which we obtain very interesting data and know a little more about the preferences of our readers.

Video: Europe for Foodies with Cameron Hewitt. Rick Steves Travel Talks (July 2024).