Some advantages of television

That spending a lot of time in front of television is not beneficial for anyone seems clear. But the reality is that in most homes with children they watch television to a greater or lesser extent, too. Can we find some advantages for children to watch TV? If some.

Of course, and in advance, remember that while watching television they are missing the opportunity to, for example, play with the elderly or with their friends, be outdoors, exercise and many other more beneficial activities.

But watching television also helps them to know other realities other than their closest environment. That there are other worlds, other hemispheres, many other people. I think now how far many children have nature or animals, and images on television are a way of showing them that they also exist. Perhaps a way to arouse their curiosity and want to know them, want to continue researching.

But television also allows them to know imaginary worlds, much less imaginatively and subjectively than with reading, but very visually and audibly stimulating.

Television can entertain them, but also educate them by showing them other realities or values ​​such as friendship, health, respect for others and the environment, or training in art, history, geography ... All parents know programs (drawings or series) that enhance those values ​​and training, the key is in a good choice.

What can they do with us, their parents, or the books? Of course, but we must be realistic and unless we do not have television at home, we will have to live with this device and we can make the most of it, within limits. The power of image and sound are a reality.

I think television can provide these advantages, provided it is used in a restricted and conscious way, something that only depends on us, the parents. Both in the exhibition time and in the contents that they will see, we will have to be there. A child alone on television will not get anything good out of the experience. And, of course, you have to book many family moments without TV.

Video: Advantages of Television (July 2024).