If the grandparents live far away

When a baby arrives in the family, grandparents who live far away usually move, sooner or later, to see the newborn. If the grandparents live nearby, it is common for them not to wait too long, even to accompany them to the hospital before the baby is born and afterwards, the relationship with the baby is continuous.

But, if the grandparents live far away, once the first months have passed the relationship with the grandchildren is more distant, usually very much in spite of himself. That is why parents should not forget that these grandparents also need to feel the baby close (in the same way that the baby's contact with them will be beneficial for the child), and we can help them to the extent that we consider appropriate.

What can we do so that this relationship with grandparents does not decline?

We travel to visit them

Depending on the distance, we can travel more or less often to visit them, as long as we have an adequate space to settle.

Traveling with a baby is not too much trouble once we are determined to do so, and on the second trip everything will seem like a piece of cake, whether it's 100 kilometers by car or 500 kilometers by plane. It is a matter of good planning, patience to the unforeseen and above all a matter of practice.

But we also have to think about our destiny. Do grandparents want us at home? Probably yes, but it may seem to us that the space is not enough or adequate, so we will have to consider other accommodation alternatives (another house, a hotel ...).

They come to visit us

They could also come to our house, depending on the age, their health, their possibilities and in addition to how willing we are to be installed in our house. It also depends on the time of the stay, it is not the same to spend a weekend together than a whole month.

Sometimes, if we consider that it is either too early to be installed with us, or it is too long, or we have little space, or we simply want to keep our privacy in the home, it is preferable to talk to them, reason and reach an agreement. The best thing is that it is the son or daughter who, with confidence and sincerity, clarifies the situation.

Traveling as a family

A very enriching experience is the trip in common: once we have met, go out together to a different destination, do family tourism. It is an exceptional situation and it is not always possible, but from my own experience I can say that it is very positive, as long as you agree on the type of trip and that we are accustomed to traveling with the baby. Making an "experiment" out in "large group" might not work out.

But meeting at each other's house or going on a trip is not always possible, so there are other ways to make them feel close.

Baby talking, tell me?

Of course, the phone. At first the calls may be more frequent, they may even be too insistent on some occasions, but usually over time this is regulated by both parties. When the grandson or granddaughter starts talking, they can already have these conversations with grandparents so rewarding for both parties.

Videos, recordings, photographs

Today, many are the grandparents who handle the new technologies, and even many learn with the arrival of the grandchildren. Send them videos, recordings and photographs, either via the Internet or by mail, they will always be happy. The webcams they are increasingly on the agenda, and it is a way for them to see the baby "live and direct."

The baby's first words, her first smile, the first crawls, the first porridge, the first steps, the first dance ... are experiences that parents live intensely and that they will love to share, even at a distance. Of course, this is also true in the case of ultrasound scans, before the baby is born.

And if technologies are not your thing, there is always the traditional postal mail. The case is to send them those details that will make them happy.

So the distance of grandparents is not an impediment for them to feel close to the baby, and that the little one learn everything they have to offer. In this we have to put effort especially parents, who sometimes, absorbed, we forget the elders. The family, after all, enriches us all, and although relationships are not always as idyllic as in stories, there are always ways to make them more enjoyable.

Video: Great Gifts for Grandchildren Who Live Far Away (July 2024).