Financial assistance to young pregnant women

Amid the open controversy in Spanish society over the modification of the Abortion Law, some institutions have decided that the best way to help a woman decide freely is to provide financial assistance to pregnant young women They don't have enough means.

The entity that has developed this program is the Ministry of Social Welfare of the Valencian Government and has as its clear objective the "incentivize birth in the Community and ensure that all those women in difficult conditions but who want to give birth, have full coverage and all the help of the Administration ”.

The amount will be 600 euros per month and will have a maximum duration of 36 months. In this way it is intended to offer young women with serious economic problems the possibility of choosing to continue with a pregnancy if the reason for abortion was the inability to support themselves and their child.

The economic endowment of the program is 6 million and a half euros and can be extended if the real needs indicate it necessary. Mothers will be able to access it directly or through youth associations.

The measure, without a doubt, is designed to reduce abortion rates, but it is excellent news, whatever the ultimate motivation, since only offering support, security and financial aid to young mothers, your decision will be much freer.

Video: Apply Free Grants Money Online For Pregnant Women-Free Maternity Grants Money (June 2024).