Fertility study: when it is convenient to do so

The statements of former American lady Michelle Obama to the ABC television network, where she said that after suffering a spontaneous abortion she had her daughters by in vitro fertilization, gave voice to a loss that is little talked about, given the great emotional impact

Michelle Obama took advantage of this episode of her life and the media impact that surrounds her to warn families with messages like "The biological clock is real" Y "Egg production is limited". Hence the need for women to know what state their fertility is in order to have children if they wish later.

But: What is a fertility study? How it is performed? What is it for? César Lizan, medical director of Clínicas Eva, answers us.

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When is it advisable to do a fertility study?

  • Anytime, when the woman considers that in her vital project she plans to delay motherhood until after 35-37 years of age, something that is becoming more frequent.

  • The 35-37 years are usually a turning point in which the chances of conceiving of women usually begin to decline, but you can not choose a cut-off point for the entire population, because it may not be valid for everyone.

  • After two spontaneous abortions. Traditionally, we expected to have 3 consecutive abortions to study the causes, but currently, we usually do it after two abortions.

It should also be borne in mind that as women get older, the chance of having an abortion increases and the chances of getting pregnant decrease.

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What is the fertility study?

It generally refers to the assessment of the ovarian reserve: number and quality. It is usually done with a transvaginal ultrasound or through a hormonal analysis (anti-Müllerian hormone).

According to the results, women value the option of preserving oocytes, a simple technique that can be very effective if you want to have children in old age.

Does Social Security cover the study?

Public Health does study couples who already have infertility problems and even offer the preservation of eggs when the woman has to undergo aggressive treatments that can damage her ferility, to overcome a cancer, for example.

However, the fertility study for patients who do not immediately consider a pregnancy is usually for the private sector.

Dr. Luzan considers this to be a shame:

"In certain Nordic countries that have fewer birth problems than ours, it is offered through a kind of reproductive planning consultation. This is very useful because puts on alert many patients who may have difficulty conceiving in the future".

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How much?

It depends on where it is made. In Eva Clinics, for example, the fertility study is offered free of charge, according to its medical director, because:

"It is something necessary and fundamental for a society like ours in which the age at which the first child is conceived has been delayed so much and with such a low birth rate."

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And the benefit you get is worth it: the possibility of preserving motherhood by freezing eggs, which can avoid many problems in the future.

Is it the same as the infertility study?

It should not be confused, because this is another option that is usually prior to in vitro fertilization (IVF).

In these cases, traditional recommendations say that it is advisable for any couple who has been looking for pregnancy without getting it for more than a year. This period is shortened to six months from the age of 35.

It is a larger and more directed study, since it looks for the reasons why a woman does not get pregnant and usually includes the evaluation of the uterus, the tubes, the semen ... And some more specific aspects depending on the history of each patient.

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Video: Making Sense of Your Fertility Treatment Options (May 2024).