Child Porn NO

Today, International Children's Rights Day, I send you this "blogocampaña" against child pornography. It is something disgusting and horrible, which is widespread and against what the authorities must fight hard. However, all of us, horrified and with the enormous outrage that this practice implies, can make it reach any corner of the network that child pornography is a monstrous act.

Police pressure with macroredadas is not enough to stop the bad practices of these individuals, who act from the anonymity that the Network can provide by hitting the lives of hundreds of children, including babies, in search of a depraved and sickly sexual desire. That is why among all Internet users we must get down to work and put the maximum noise into cyberspace. The goal of this blogocampaña, which starts today, is that on November 20, Universal Children's Day, hundreds of blogs write a post in which the phrase Child Pornography appears NOT to sow Internet search engines of severe criticism of this shame Human and social. In this way we will get the cyber searches of the words child pornography + at least hit the consciences of so much mental outgoing.

From here is my little grain of sand for this campaign. NO to child pornography. To shame, derision and persecution of all involved. Society repudiates you.

Official site | The fingerprint

Video: Child Porn Investigators: "It Burns You To The Soul" (July 2024).