Obesity may increase the risk of abortion

As we know, obesity can lead to various health problems, and more when carrying out a pregnancy. Obese women not only have a harder time conceiving a child in a natural way but they could also increase the risk of miscarriage Once pregnancy is achieved.

This follows from a study published in the journal "Fertility and Sterility", where researchers from the University of Sheffield, in Great Britain, have conducted a review of articles published in medical journals in recent decades to identify the studies that compared the women of normal weight and overweight who suffered miscarriages.

Sixteen studies were included in the investigation, and both natural pregnancies and those that were assisted reproduction results were taken into account. The results showed that overweight and obese women were up to 67% more likely to suffer miscarriages than future moms with normal weight.

In the case of women undergoing fertility treatment the risk was even higher.

However, the evidence is inconclusive due to the differences between the studies currently available, so we will have to wait for new research, although in any case we remember that Obesity does not help when a baby is expected and it can bring complications as yesterday Lola reminded us.

You can consult an excerpt from the study, entitled "Does high body mass index increase the risk of miscarriage after spontaneous and assisted conception? A meta-analysis of the evidence" (Does the high body mass index increase the risk of miscarriage after spontaneous and assisted conception - a meta-analysis of the evidence) in the edition on-line from the magazine "Fertility and Sterility".

Video: Obese Women at risk for later-diagnosed, late-state breast cancer-Mayo Clinic (July 2024).