Tips to prevent the loss of children

Unfortunately, the theft and loss of children is a daily reality. In some countries it is more frequent than in others, but in any case it is a ghost that stalks us to those of us who have children and we cannot let our guard down because we believe that "these things do not happen here".

Many of you will have experienced the situation of losing sight of a child in a supermarket, in a store or in a busy place. The anguish that passes until we find it is indescribable.

First of all, the fundamental thing is to be prevented and take the advice of experts like the ones we will see next, recommended by the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children organization to avoid the theft and loss of children.

• Do not allow any stranger to grab your baby in the street. It doesn't matter if the stranger praises the child and asks permission to pet him. Saying "no" is always the best way to avoid danger.

• When you walk the baby in a stroller, it is always convenient to wear it tied with the seat belt and orient the stroller to continuously see the child in front. It is not advisable to move with the baby facing forward because it facilitates the actions of thieves.

• In a park, always be attentive to the child and not lose sight of him. The main thing is not to get distracted by chatting with other mothers while the boy plays, especially if the child is naughty and usually runs a lot.

• When a person tries to caress the baby or the child, it is necessary to be firm and say: "Thank you for your good intentions, but I do not want you to approach the child."

• Do not place the child's name on any visible garment, since strangers can call him by his name and make him believe they are known.

• In a situation of confusion, it is best to grab the child and leave the place immediately. If this is not possible, the most advisable way out is to shout to ask for a police presence.

• It is very important to report all the events that happen. It does not matter if the theft did not materialize. Alerting the police is important in order to catch thieves and avoid other cases.

• In all cases it is recommended to go to a police agency as soon as possible to file the complaint.

Video: Father Gives Tips On How To Survive Child Loss (July 2024).