Learn with Frosti: reviewing the lessons of the school

Recently we talked about a website with resources for early childhood education, and today we stop at another educational website that I found interesting, with Varied activities aimed at children from 3 to 4 years old.

The exercises are carried out in different environments that the little ones must successfully overcome in order to continue advancing, and all in the hands of Frosti, a nice dog.

The contents to be reinforced are of different subjects: mathematics, language, English and knowledge of the environment. We find mathematical problems or mental calculation, recognition of letters and activities that seek to develop different skills such as orientation, memory or attention and concentration.

I liked the "Exams" section, very fun and interactive, and we also have the "Recreation" section, with drawings to print and color.

The only thing that has not convinced me is the voice that is continually "reading", is somewhat tired and sounds strident, but that has a solution, there is an icon to remove the sound and navigate quieter ...

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Video: Learn Advanced English Lesson #7 (May 2024).