Educa-science, astronomy workshops for children

If your son or daughter is passionate about astronomy or physics, surely he would love to attend one of these scientific workshops, but also in this portal they will find some curiosities about those topics.

Educa-Ciencia organizes scientific workshops for different educational levels, and they have a portable planetarium by which they teach astronomy and other activities specially designed for children from 3 years. The star observatory or the solar observatory are other workshops that can already be done in the children's stage.

The workshops are held in schools and colleges, although from the web we can inform ourselves about the methodology and curious data to offer to children. Specifically, on its website there is a specific section called "Disclosure Zone" in which we will find astronomical or physical concepts explained in a simple way, oriented to the little ones, with videos and didactic schemes.

The movements of the Earth, basic notions of orientation, the seasons, the solar system or the instructions to build a planetarium are some of the activities we will find to learn.

Official Site | Educate Science in Babies and more | Exploreco: learn science by playing In Babies and more | How to arouse scientific curiosity in your child In Babies and more | Awakening interest in science In Babies and more | Interactive museums: the House of Sciences of La Coruña

Video: Planets & Solar System for Children- School Education Video for Grade 2,Grade 3,CLASS 2 ,Class 3 (July 2024).