Sea lion therapy for autistic children

We know that in the world of autism there are still many unanswered questions, and among the enigmas that surround the disease is how to treat it effectively.

There are several therapeutic models based on encounters with animals that give good results, such as hippotherapy or therapy with horses and also dolphin therapy, but this modality that is being practiced in Elche (Alicante, Spain) is totally new.

It is a pioneering therapy, developed by the Rio Safari Foundation and that use sea lions to improve motor skills, balance and coordination in autistic or mentally retarded children.

We are facing the first edition of Otáridos Assisted Therapy (TAO), which will take place in July and September in the heated pool of the Rio Safari Zoo in Elche.

The recipients of this therapy are autistic children and children with cerebral palsy who have previously worked with the Foundation's research group, as well as adults from the Multiple Sclerosis Association of Alicante.

The reception is still very good, and it is already planned to continue with the project in the future. He recreational and educational purpose, well-being and relaxation that those involved receive from contact with sea lions appear to be effective. The marine protagonists are 2 copies of 5 years trained for contact with humans.

Hopefully the good results are confirmed and a new exploration path is opened to treat autism and those other disorders.

Video: Dolphin therapy used for autistic and developmentally challenged children (July 2024).