Summer snack: melon soda

What better snack or snack in summer than those who take advantage of the delicious fruits typical of the summer season. Ideal for children, and everyone at home, to take natural fruit in a different way.

Between them, The melon is among the sweetest and tastiest Summer fruits, so let's use it to drink it as a soda.

The elaboration is simple: we need half melon and 4 pieces of another summer fruit, the apricots. Better to be in the fridge so that they are very fresh at the time of preparation and take it freshly made. The melon is peeled and cut into small pieces, and the apricots are washed, the bone is removed and they are also cut.

The fruit pieces are passed by the blender or by the blender If we want it finer, we already have the soda ready. To give it a fun touch, you can extract some balls from the melon half with the help of a punch and prick them into a cocktail stick that will be decorated.

With the soda we will get a magnificent hydration, apart from vitamins and minerals and the light and natural sweetness of the fruit without additives.

If we want a more sophisticated variant based on melon, we have this delicious glass of melon. Although it already has more calories ...

Video: How to Make Melon Cream Soda Melon Float Classic Japanese Summer Drink. OCHIKERON (July 2024).