Sex during pregnancy: when to stop

As we saw yesterday, in principle there should be no impediment to having sex during pregnancy. Quite the contrary, sex benefits everyone in those special moments.

However, remember that there are some cases in which coitus is contraindicated because it entails some danger to the mother or the baby, the most common of which we go on to list. In any case, it will be our gynecologist who will determine the possible risk and the need to stop sexual intercourse.

  • If vaginal bleeding occurs. Vaginal bleeding without explanation can be a sign of complications.
  • If there is pain, discomfort or cramping.
  • If there is dripping of amniotic fluid.
  • If strong contractions occur.
  • If you suffer from vaginal herpes, as this and other infections prevent vaginal intercourse until they resolve.
  • If the gynecologist has determined that it is a high risk pregnancy for some reason.
  • If there is a history of termination of pregnancy without cause, it is convenient to space relationships if the specialist determines.
  • If there is a risk of premature delivery.
  • If there is a placenta previa that completely or partially covers the opening of the uterus.
  • If the cervix is ​​dilated: dilation of the cervix can facilitate the entry of germs into the amniotic cavity.
  • If it is a multiple pregnancy, from the last trimester contractions due to orgasm could dilate the cervix and there would be a risk of premature delivery.

Remember that they exist alternative sex forms that could be maintained for certain dangerous situations, and for this we will be advised by the specialist doctor.

The contact between the couple, communication and affection It should not in any way diminish so that the baby continues to benefit from those feelings that come through his mother. If none of the above cases occur, we can be calm and enjoy these special moments, also through sexual intercourse.

Video: Should You Stop Having Sex During Pregnancy? Pregnancy Sex Tips. Parents (July 2024).