Book: "Your daughter is celiac"

The title of this book is “Your daughter is celiac”Which are the words that one day he heard from the mouth of his doctor Isabel Tocino, Spanish politician and mother then of a six-month-old girl.

The subtitle is: "The day to day of a chronic illness through the story of a mother and daughter" because the book is a hand in hand of: a mother which explains how he handled this issue of celiac disease at the level of food and health of his daughter and how he tried to emotionally not feel different, and a daughter, Ximena, who narrates the daily life of a chronic disease: the check-ups to which she had to undergo, her adaptation to school, what it meant to travel, her transgressions ...

Other celiacs also provide their testimonies and tips for living With this gluten intolerance.

These are the chapters:

  1. The importance of a good diagnosis
  2. Allowed and prohibited foods
  3. Be celiac at school
  4. How family life changes
  5. Parties, trips, restaurant meals

It is true that celiac disease is growing but fortunately every time it is detected before, there is much more information and products available in the market. Thanks to this book and other initiatives, new parents will have something easier because they can benefit from a path already beaten by others.

The publisher is The sphere of books and the price 18 euros.

Video: Kids Book Read Aloud: DAVID GOES TO SCHOOL by David Shannon (June 2024).