The risks of radiographs and CT scans in pregnancy

A study by Brown University reveals that in the last ten years the diagnostic tests that emit radiation have doubled to which pregnant women are subjected.

Remember that ultrasound does not cause any harm to the baby or the mother, the risk lies in the radiation emitted by medical diagnostic methods through X-rays and computed tomography (CT), a test that emits twice as much radiation than x-rays

X-rays and CT scansEven if they release low radiation, they can damage the development of the fetus, especially in the first weeks of pregnancy. The problem is that many times the woman ignores that she is pregnant and it is precisely between weeks 2 and 15 of pregnancy when babies are more sensitive to radiation.

The American Society of Radiology warned about the abuse of radiological exams to which pregnant women are subjected.

They reflected on the conclusions of the study that revealed that they increased by 121% in the last ten years, especially the TACs.

Although tests are performed in areas of the body away from the uterus, radiation can also affect the fetus.

The consequences can be serious. Growth retardation, malformations, neurological damage and cancer are some of the disorders that can cause high radiation exposure.

The specialists recommended to absolutely avoid this type of tests during pregnancy, justified only in extreme cases in which the mother suffers from a serious disorder.

Thus, if you work in an area of ​​medicine where you are subjected to this kind of radiation, you should take the necessary preventive measures in the face of the minimum possibility of pregnancy.