Breastfeeding is not as bad as it seems, survey findings

Last week we opened our blog survey section asking moms and dads to answer us how long your babies with breast milk have benefited.

The survey has been very well received and has achieved 366 responses, so far.

Of course, the result of the survey deserves an analysis. Our goal was to check with first-hand information if the situation of breastfeeding is as bad as it is painted. And I am very happy to say that, according to the responses our readers have given, breastfeeding is not falling into oblivion.

To begin with, a general analysis allows us to see that practically everyone has breastfed their babies from one month onwards. Specifically, 28% of respondents responded that their baby had been breastfed for 1 to 6 months, while the same percentage responded that between 6 and 12 months.

On the other hand, 21% said they had breastfed their baby between 12 and 18 months, and 19%, over a year and a half, quite high percentages for prolonged breastfeeding.

The percentage of parents who never gave breast milk to their baby or who did it for less than 1 month has been negligible, only 1% and 2%.

So as you can see, it is said that mothers are breastfeeding their babies less and less, but fortunately we can see that the trend is changing.

I believe that the fundamental thing for breastfeeding to be successful is information. Therefore, from Babies and more we try to encourage it because we believe it is the best gift you can give your baby.

By the way, thank you very much for participating in the survey! There will be more on various topics.