Hacker techniques for parents

Internet is a window to the world, but as we know, the world has good things and bad things, also the virtual has its dangers, we are aware of the amount of news that comes to us through the news, newspapers and even by Experiences of some acquaintances.

Children are entering new technologies more and more soon and to protect them from the dangers of the network there are various programs that parents have to configure. Now we have another tool provided by Mar Monsoriu, a graduate in Information Sciences, this is a book entitled "Hacker techniques for parents". To understand it, you don't have to be a computer expert, nor to put it into practice, so they say it will help many parents to ensure good use of the internet by their children. This guide teaches parents to be true computer spies.

In its pages it teaches us how to limit internet access time, decide what programs can be installed, check the web pages that have been visited, view chat conversations and even how to control from another computer that our children do while they browse.

We think it is of great interest, protecting our children is our mission. We can buy it online or in our usual bookstore for 13 euros.

Video: 5 Ways To Hack A Password Beginner Friendly (July 2024).