National Shelter Day

Some time ago we talked about temporary shelters, a solidarity initiative made by some parents thanks also to the action of various associations that try to provide children from other countries with a family atmosphere with everything they cannot enjoy in their countries of origin for several motives, the most prominent being an orphan.

Spanish children who grow up in residences, outside a family environment, who come from marginal settings, who also sometimes have health problems, also have an opportunity to enjoy the warmth of a family. Up to 17,000 children live in our country in a family foster care system, they can enjoy something they have not had until the moment of their welcome, affection, respect, family life, etc. But according to some associations, there are still about 13,000 children waiting to find parents who can change their current lives. This weekend has celebrated the first National Shelter Day In the Circle of Fine Arts of the Spanish capital, the priority objective has been to raise public awareness about the need to receive these children and what are the benefits obtained, both for temporary parents and children. In this celebration they have met welcoming parents who have shared all kinds of experiences and have exchanged information on the possible doubts and problems that arise as a result of the action of welcoming a child.

13,000 children are in an unfortunate situation, not enjoying the family warmth marks their childhood and their future, they are children who have suffered a lot in their short life and need a family that provides them with the necessary emotional stability. Family foster care is a faster formula than adoption and depending on the case (that the biological family disregards the child), foster care can be resolved more quickly in an adoption.

The welcoming parents deserve our admiration and praise for their dedication and for the human quality they show.

Video: 2019 National Clear the Shelter Day (July 2024).