The weight of school bags is regulated in Italy by Bill

We have just learned curious news that other European countries would have to take note of, including Spain. Apparently, in Italy they want to prevent school bags from causing back injury to children and for this reason They have just presented a Bill in which a scientific study is contemplated to determine the maximum weight that a schoolchild can carry depending on their height or age.

On several occasions we have talked in Babies and more about the possible problems generated in the back of a child as a result of the incorrect use of the backpack, in some posts such as The school backpack and the back of the children, some tips or Teach the correct use From the backpack, we tried to show the consequences of carrying excess weight, some could suffer for life.

Some research has shown that up to 40% of students between the ages of 10 and 15 already suffer from back problems and it is not strange, since in some cases they can carry up to 23 kilos of weight on their backs. We are talking about more advanced ages but everything is brewing at an early age, it is necessary to educate children about the risks that come from overstressed with the back, we also have to supervise their backpacks, that they carry them well and carry the correct weight . There are many solutions that are considered with respect to this problem, even dividing school books into fascicles could be a solution, but it is necessary to speak first with those who edit the books. Another solution that arises is to use less heavy paper or even use computer media, this if it would be one of the best solutions in our opinion, the only problem is that before this proposal, surely the editors of the country would shout at the Heaven, seeing that your business would be in serious danger.

The solution of placing school lockers such as those we can find in American schools, could also be viable, although children would also have to take books home, especially when they study more intensively during exam time. In short, Italy has decided to take the problem very seriously and look for a solution, it will take into account all aspects related to weight and back, including the type of backpacks material, everything is to preserve the health of children.

In our country there are currently no such initiatives, hopefully in a short period of time the Ministry of Health will take these issues seriously in order to improve children's health.

Video: Sugar: The Bitter Truth (July 2024).