Ovules of a mother for her daughter

We have known a story that expresses the love a mother processes towards her 7-year-old daughter. Flavie is Melanie's daughter, she is only 7 years old and is already guaranteed the possibility of giving birth when she is older. The girl suffers a genetic disease called Turner syndrome, one of the characteristics of this disease is that it can lead to the girl to a premature menopause and therefore, the possibility of never being a mother.

Turner syndrome incapacitates the production of ovules, but the uterus remains healthy, this genetic disorder occurs in girls preventing sexual maturation. Depending on the case, the health problems are several, but most can be tackled with proper treatment. In this situation, Flavie's mother has not hesitated to freeze some of her eggs and so, if her daughter decides, she can conceive. This new situation says that it is the first one in the world, if the daughter chooses to become pregnant with her mother's eggs, the resulting baby could be considered half-brother, since identical eggs participated in Flavie's conception.

This case has occurred in Canada and has the approval of the ethics committee of the McGill University Health Center. When the girl reaches maturity, she will decide whether or not she wants to use her mother's eggs, in case she does not want to, she can always donate them to another couple and she will request an anonymous egg to be able to achieve pregnancy, although we doubt that be.

The freezing of Melanie's ovules through the current vitrification methods allows them to be preserved although it does not guarantee 100% efficiency in conception, up to 85% of the ovules will survive in the process and there is between 40 and 64 % chance of conception being achieved.

Video: Will baby resemble to the donor egg or to woman giving birth? - Dr. Punyavathi C. Nagaraj (July 2024).