Hypopressive exercises after childbirth: much more than an aid to recover our silhouette

Hypopressive abdominal gymnastics (GAH) is gaining popularity. Who has not heard of it and its incredible benefits? The truth is that there are more and more centers and gyms that offer this type of exercise, ensuring that they help tone the abdomen, reduce the postpartum gut and strengthen the pelvic floor.

We have spoken with Elena Ferrándiz, graduated in Physiotherapy and specialized in gynecology and obstetrics. In her clinic she helps pregnant women prepare for childbirth, and to prevent and treat the sequelae typical of these stages. Between his recommendations always highlight hypoprecise exercises, and in the following report we will find out why.

What is hypopressive abdominal gymnastics?

The technique of hypopressive gymnastics or hypopressive abs helps to work the muscles of the abdomen through breath control, combining it with postures and movements whose purpose is to reduce the pressure of the abdominal, pelvic and thoracic cavity. The exercise is done in deep apnea, opening ribs and working the diaphragm, abdominal muscles and pelvic floor.

Although currently the centers that offer this type of abs grow like foam, the truth is that hypopressives are not "a fad" or a novelty, because his technique goes back to the millennial yoga breathing technique, called Uddiyana Bandha.

"When we talk about GAH, we talk about a series of techniques based on exercises that are performed in expiratory apnea and following certain postures achieving a suction effect of the viscera resulting in a reflex contraction of the abdominal girdle and consequently of the pelvic floor" - explains the physiotherapist.

What are they for and who can do them?

The hypopressive abs are used both in the field of health (to prevent and treat problems) and in sports, as its benefits are multiple. Thus, anyone could perform them, although currently its greatest application is found in postpartum recovery.

"Although they are closely associated with postpartum recovery, they can be done by anyone who wants to reduce their waist, avoid or solve spinal problems, prevent or treat urinary incontinence, prolapse, abdominal diastasis ..." - explains the physiotherapist.

A priori, there are no contraindications to the practice of hypopressive abdominal gymnastics. Although Elena points out that it is important to adapt them in case of high blood pressure, as well as do not do them during pregnancy before week 38:

"In general, we cannot speak of absolute contraindications, rather relative since the exercises can be adapted or modified according to the conditions of each one, such as cases of arterial hypertension, since during the exercise you can increase the blood pressure, but if the person is receiving medical treatment and their arterial values ​​are controlled, an individual specific program can be adjusted "

"During pregnancy they should not be practiced, since hypopressive exercises can cause uterine contractions that cause premature birth or a natural abortion. However, a specific program can be carried out starting at week 38 that will help to start ( will even favor) labor

Especially useful in case of diastasis

Diastasis of the rectus abdominis

These types of exercises are also quite recommended in cases of abdominal diastasis, a separation of the muscles of the abdomen that occurs during pregnancy, but that sometimes lasts time after the end of pregnancy:

"When there is severe diastasis, hypopressants help to improve it but it is important to emphasize that the complete recovery, the return to the position and the initial appearance of the abdomen It is very hard to get. The success of the treatment depends on the separation distance of the rectus abdominis, both in width and depth "- emphasizes Elena.

"Surgery will be the treatment option only in the most severe cases: those who, after a recovery program guided by a specialist, do not progress or in cases where there is pain when contracting the abdominal musculature."

Benefits of postpressive hypopressives

As we have commented above, practicing hypopressive abs has many benefits, especially for the health of our abdominal muscles and our pelvic floor. But not everything comes down to that, and so Elena explains:

"With the practice of hypopressives we cause a decrease in intra-abdominal pressure which helps prevent abdominal, inguinal hernias, prolapse... In turn, increases venous return and blood flow, helping us improve circulation and heaviness of legs "

"In addition, apnea leads to a decrease in oxygen saturation, the body metabolizes faster and the values ​​of red blood cells increase naturally than together with the increase in capacity and control of the diaphragm, Improves sports performance."

But practicing them during the postpartum period is especially beneficial, as it helps in the contraction of the uterus and tones the abdominal muscles. In addition, it strengthens the pelvic floor musculature, which after pregnancy and childbirth is usually weakened.

"The Hypopressants are one of the best options in both immediate and late postpartum. If the woman already knew them and practiced before pregnancy, she can do some exercise lying down or sitting for a few seconds in the two days following the birth. This will help to "decongest" the uterus to return to the position and size it was before pregnancy. After these two days, it is convenient to rest, relax and return to hypopressive work after 6 weeks after delivery".

"In case of caesarean section, cannot be practiced until 8 weeks after the operation. In any case, it is always recommended to go to a specialized physiotherapist who assesses the state of the muscles, both abdominal and perineal, and the stability of the pelvis to return to pelvic floor work. ".

"Hypopressives help strengthen the pelvic floor, improving urinary incontinence, perineal problems and sexual intercourse. By strengthening the abdominal girdle, we reduce the waist, protect the lower back and normalize the posture".

When will we begin to notice results?

As with any exercise, there are no miraculous techniques that promise an immediate recovery, since everything is a matter of constancy and time. Elena tells us that the results can begin to be noticed between two and six months after starting to practice them, although to be really effective they should be carried out at least twice a week, in sessions of 20 minutes.

In addition, the physiotherapist insists on the importance of putting ourselves in the hands of specialists when practicing them for the first time, because both this type of exercise and any other, can cause problems if they are not executed correctly.

"Many people, when watching videos circulating on social networks, may think that hypopressives consist of tummy tucking, since visually it is what it seems at first. But they are much more complex. We should know that the most important thing is posture and require a learning and diaphragmatic control for its correct realization and to be able to obtain all those benefits of which we spoke " - he points out.

What differences are there with conventional abs?

Many people believe that traditional abs (those that are made by flexing the trunk forward) are more appropriate for losing belly and sporting silhouette. Nothing could be further from the truth.

The physiotherapist explains why classic abs are not recommended in certain cases, in addition to be especially harmful to our pelvic floor, because the perineal muscles are subject to great tension and may end up weakening.

"The Conventional abdominals are contraindicated in the case of diastasis, because when flexing the trunk we cause an increase in pressure inside the abdomen, in addition to distorting the alba line by reducing its natural tension. When the rectus abdominis are separated, with the traditional abs we will increase this separation even more ".

"In cases of diastasis, the main objective is the recovery of abdominal functionality that is achieved toning the abdominal transverse muscle, musculature that is activated when performing hypopressives. Unlike traditional ones, hypopressants cause a decrease in intra-abdominal pressure and tone the transverse while strengthening the pelvic floor. With traditional abs, only the straight ones are strengthened ".

Photos | iStock

In Vitónica | Hypopressive abs and Low Pressure Fitness: General and benefits, Hypopressive abdominals in women: strengthening the pelvic floor

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