Negligence, synonymous with child violence

Many of the accidents suffered by children are a consequence of negligence of parents or relatives, it is a form of child violence against which one can and must fight. In many cases it is the children responsible for the accidents they suffer, but the elderly should not aggravate the situation further and we must fight against the negligence that we involuntarily carry out.

Consciously, of course, they are not carried out, but unconsciously the lives of children can be continually endangered, a proven example is that of parents who take their children in a car without a seat belt because they are going to take a very short trip, several Studies show that short distances are where more accidents happen. Surely more than one reader will recognize that sometimes it allows children to make a sandwich or something to eat without being present, and the kitchen is full of dangerous objects for a child. Accidents resulting from the lack of care or lack of care of the elderly are many, and the result can be a simple scare or a dramatic outcome. Save The Children denounces these situations and although it sounds harsh, it marks them as a form of child abuse, neglect. The figures are scandalous, if we add all the types of violence or abuse that children suffer, we can clearly say that they are in a dangerous jungle where they try to survive when it should not be.

Child violence is found throughout the world and is enclosed in different ways, detecting it is essential, it is the only way to end it and thus provide children with the security they are sometimes lacking. For the moment, Save The Children has started an awareness campaign and has already sent explicit information about child abuse and its forms, about the forms of detection, about the incidence, etc., to the European Union and various Spanish deputies, all accompanied of a proposal to fight against it.

Video: What is NEGLECT? What does NEGLECT mean? NEGLECT meaning, definition & explanation (July 2024).