Super Pop is YouTube today: what do our teenage children see on the Internet?

I remember the Sundays of my adolescence as an exciting day: among other things because every 15 days I went to the kiosk on time for the new copy of Super Pop, my window to the world. And then (a thousand centuries ago in the eyes of my children) magazines were our way of consuming content.

Today, adolescents and even preteens (that is, children between nine and 17 years old) are also looking for the same type of content (adapted to their time, of course) but their way of accessing them has changed: Internet, and especially YouTube, has established itself as the best way to stay informed and entertained.

But today, as before our parents, we want to know what they see, what worries them and who they follow Our children on this platform. We already anticipate that Youtube is today your encyclopedia, your best friend, where to share experiences and find answers to all your questions.

Young people have found in this video portal an escape route, but above all a means to entertain and interact with their peers.

What use do young people make of YouTube?

According to official Google data, 64% of children between 2 and 5 years old and 78% from 6 to 11 years old use the tablet with YouTube being the preferred platform to consume online videos.

For users between 13 and 17 years old, the time they spend the most time on the platform is the weekend and in the afternoon and evening hours. The most used device is the computer, followed by the mobile.

By theme, in general terms, the contents that arouse most interest are music, followed by motor sports and humor.

The category of gaming, especially among the male sex, while girls prefer beauty channels.

What are the types of videos most followed on YouTube by our children?

On this platform there are a series of videos that are quite common in the channels of fashion influencers. Some examples are:

  • 50 things about me: is that the influencer tells things about himself with the goal that his followers know him more. It usually arises from previous questions that have been asked or even a previous post or video where it has motivated that participation.
  • I never: In this type of video several influencers or the top usually meet with a friend to play the typical "I never". It generates a lot of expectation because intimate issues are addressed.
  • My first time: This is a video where the influencer tells his first time in many aspects: first word, first best friend ...
  • Top topic, virginity: There are countless videos about when virginity was lost or advice about it. With the great risk that implies that young people know this topic on the net without quality information that tells them about the precautions they should take.
  • Unboxing: It is quite common that when an influencer receives a gift he makes a dedicated video to open it and tell his opinion. On many occasions there is a sponsorship behind.
  • Gaming: With this anglicism, the videos that are uploaded by 'expert' players are known, throwing games from their favorite video games and showing tricks on how to overcome the obstacles that the game poses, mistakes and successes of the last installment ...

An example is the videos of Pokemon de Folagor, a youtuber with great success among our children (especially preteens).

  • Vblogs: They are a gallery of video clips, arranged chronologically. As with blogs, they can deal with any topic, and their author can authorize the addition of comments or other videos within the same gallery.
  • Beauty tips: There are hundreds of videos with routines, tips, tips ... they are very popular on the net.

The Youtubers most followed by teenagers

And, after explaining the theme, we link you with some of your favorite youtubers in Spain, sorted by number of views of their channels.

The RubiusOMG

30,840,797 subscribers

Rubén Doblas Gundersen is the most followed youtuber in Spain, the second in Spanish and the 14th with more YouTube subscriptions globally. He has participated in advertisements, movies ...

He created his channel in 2011 and has been consolidating in the network becoming one of the largest. It has a great variety of content, from vlogs, video games, direct and the occasional video that has the sole purpose of making people laugh. He has also published books: 'The troll book', the saga 'Virtual Hero', 'Gamers' school ...

This is how he describes his channel:

"My channel is from Gayplays in general, but I never play anything predefined. Someday you will find horror games, another with fun games, another indie games, etc. but I don't just upload Gayplays! I'm better known for my mounts" random "from GTA V, Skyrim (I've been eons without climbing), Garrys Mod, Games in 1 minute and much more! Sometimes I also take care of trolling and assemble the best moments in Chatroulette, Trollephone, hidden cameras, etc. A Sometimes I also get cuddly and show you my most sessy and personal side in the Meet The Rubius and the Epic Vlogs. "

But judge yourself with an example:

Auron Play

10,113,163 subscribers

Raúl Alvarez is 29 years old and opened his channel in 2006. He is one of the oldest Spanish youtubers on the platform to make vlogs.

Although he began to be known for his video-critics to different youtubers, he now devotes, mostly, his channel to making small humorous analyzes to "denigrating" YouTube videos and telephone jokes. He also dares to talk about social issues.

The Grefg

7,667,120 subscribers

David Cánovas is a 21-year-old gamer who began to be known for climbing Call of Duty, but when the Infinite Warfare did not have the expected expectations of several youtubers, he decided to start with Clash Royale. Now, the main content of its channel is Fortnite and also a variety of vlogs.

With great impact on social networks, it has been news recently to upload a video where he was seen driving at 170 km / hour. Of course, he had to withdraw it and apologize.


7,603,539 subscribers

Ismael Prego (his real name) began in 2012 publishing videogames content, but has been changing the content and humor is thematic in his videos. He defines himself as:

"50% entrepreneur and 50% lost bullet. They say I am a troll but I just want to laugh at life. My channel, my rules. I hope to have fun with my crazy things."

In addition, he has written 'If you give up you lose', with advice, and the comic 'Norman and Mix', bestseller. Today it has 1,014,601,007 visits on YouTube.

Mangel Rogel

5,557,237 subscribers

Miguel Ángel Rogel Ruíz is 27 years old and uploaded his first video in 2007. Although he started publishing content that seemed to double the voices of Ken Kutaragi (Sony director), then he started talking about the GTA video game, his fame came to him when he started to make videos with elrubiusOMG.

Today his channel includes from vlogs (videoblog) to videogames, appears in commercials and has written books, such as 'Los Pollos Primos'.

His channel, with more than 370 million views, focuses on gameplay videos with other youtubers. He is much appreciated for his ability to edit travel vlogs.

Patty Dragona

4,802,000 subscribers

Patricia created her channel in 2007, although it took almost four years to upload her first video. He started uploading gameplays of Gta V and Ark Survival Evolved, although now he mostly shares funny videos, hidden camera jokes, many of them with his boyfriend makiman131.

Paula Gonu

1,408,764 subscribers

This 25-year-old influencer prefers naturalness rather than posturing and that seems to be the secret of his success: he has 1.7 million followers on Instagram and 119 million views on his YouTube channel, which opened in 2015.

The Barcelona starred in advertising campaigns, has its own online clothing store, and has even lent its voice to one of the characters of Hotel Transylvania 3.

So if your daughter follows her, she says: "a #personaguapa of auction".

Prohibits not laughing, allows criticism and explains that:

"There will be food, lots of food. There will be Instagram and apps to retouch photos. There will be exercise. There will be music. And there will be a lot of me."

JP redhead

1,186,588 subscribers

Juan Miguel Flores Martín worked as an actor (he appeared in several advertisements of brands such as Jazztel, Worten or Telepizza) before opening his YouTube channel in 2006. With 33 years, he has another channel called 'VoyAPorEllo' in which he uploads daily vlogs with his ex-girlfriend, @RoEnLaRed, and his friends also show their day to day

With 86 million views, he has published three albums, the latest 'Clowns never cry', whose themes appear on his YouTube channel.

But the theme is very varied, with sections of vlogs like 'JPelishow', where he tells some of the news that has happened throughout the week and in the end, he recommends some channel or some book, disk ... And he also uploads some sketches.

Here we leave your last published song 'It's too late' for you to listen to their lyrics.

Andrea Compton

544,559 subscribers

His real last names are Rodríguez López and he is 27 years old.

Definition of your channel, according to your own words: "I destroy Barbies and talk about series". But, since 2012, when he opened his channel and with more than 48 million visits, he talks about everything: his travels, makeup tricks, comments on movies and games ... And a common element: the sense of humor.

What is clear is that our children like YouTube, so once they start to be interested in the channel, we must ensure their safety. In addition, it is interesting, as recommended by Google and Common Sense Media:

"Find out about your favorite videos and which YouTube channels you are subscribed to. This will give you clues about what type of content interests you most."

In addition, parents have channel control tools to prevent cyberbullying, block accounts ...

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