Antibiotics are related to asthma

According to Canadian researchers, a single antibiotic treatment during the first year of life is enough for a baby to have a higher risk of developing childhood asthma.

Somewhat alarming, since analyzing the case of several children, they could see that Antibiotic exposure doubled the risk of asthma, risk that grows every time a new treatment is applied.

However, the experts pointed out that the association between antibiotics and asthma is inconclusive and that it did not affect children who already already, either due to a family history or a genetic tendency to allergies, were born with a high risk of develop the disease

Previous studies on the subject had already been carried out, but none analyzed the possibility of children having asthma prior to exposure to antibiotics, that is, if the disease was earlier or was caused by the medicines.

In conclusion, they say that to establish a cause-effect connection, more large-scale studies should be done.

There are pediatricians who try to limit the use of antibiotics to the maximum and prescribe them only in extremely necessary situations. If this relationship is confirmed, we must be even more cautious.

Video: Could your persistent cough be asthma? (May 2024).