Doctors but also psychologists

Unfortunately science and medicine have not advanced enough to ensure that all children are born totally healthy. A health problem in a newborn is always a difficult task to communicate by the medical professional and it intervenes, or should intervene, the psychology that specialists apply to give the news to the parents in the least painful way possible, although there are still cases in which the communication to the newly released parents is devoid of feelings and they even accuse them of the child's problem.

We can give an example, if a baby has Down Syndrome, an accusatory communication would be, "your baby has Down Syndrome, did not you do the relevant tests?" (In Spain the responsibility would be of the specialist, but you can give the support case between professionals). Undoubtedly, it is not good to make parents feel that they are to blame, many situations in life may arise that give rise to a certain situation and doctors must be there, not to reprimand, but to facilitate, optimize and help improve a situation. complicated When a newborn presents any problem, the specialists must have a lot of tact, since the joy of birth can be greatly obfuscated by becoming pain, worry, guilt, uncertainty ... The World Health Organization also has a cure for this issue and shows what is the proper procedure to deliver the news, preventing the happiness that disappears just entered the heart of the parents.

In an intimate environment, the doctor carrying the baby in his arms, must communicate to his parents the situation trying not to maximize the possible difficulties resulting from the upbringing and development of the child, it is not about deceiving, but of focusing it from the point of more optimistic view. The specialists are prepared to give this type of news, but then it is in the professionalism, in the tact and in the personality of the doctor that will lead to a better or worse reception of the news by the parents.

The birth of a baby represents a lot, especially for those who have fathered it. In case you are born with a pathology, psychological help can do a lot, and love can do everything.

Video: Intro To Psychology with Child & Adolescent Psychologist Dr. Collins Hodges (July 2024).