Adoption as an alternative to abortion

Life is very complex, in many cases many people would say that unfair, we have really all thought about it once. Wanting to be a mother and not having the possibility is very hard, but it must also be to be pregnant and not want it, especially for the subsequent consequences.

But thanks to adoption, many couples can fulfill their dream of forming a family, of educating, giving love to their child and sharing a life together.

Adopting a baby is very complicated, interviews and studies to the couple, trips abroad, a very long wait, etc. What the associations of support for pregnant women suggest should be taken into account, enhance adoption as an alternative to abortion. According to Conrado Jiménez, president of the Madrina Foundation, if only one in ten women who decide to have an abortion consider giving their child up for adoption, Spanish families would not have to go abroad to adopt a child. In our country, approximately 107,000 abortions will be performed this year, they also estimate that some 10,000 adoptions will be performed, almost all abroad.

In Holland it is already being carried out, they provide information and alternatives to women who want to abort. But this is not only to solve a factor, it also enters the economic, they affirm that adoptions in Spain have an approximate cost of 92 million euros a year, while abortions amount to 90 million euros (remember that part of this money it is paid by the State), so on both sides it would mean savings.

The United for Life Association has already launched the “Adoption Project”, you can know it by entering its website.

Video: Adoption vs. Abortion (May 2024).