The 15-day paternity leave is already enjoyed by more than 300 parents

The happiness of those who have been parents since last March 24 has multiplied, because in addition to having their offspring already in their arms, after the entry into force of the amendments to the Equality Law they can enjoy more time care and the company of your baby and the new mom, who is also very grateful to have her partner by her side to share the first days of the new family member.

According to Jesús Caldera, Minister of Labor and Social Affairs, more than 300 paternity leave of 15 days have already been granted and many requests are being received. Caldera met with the first two parents who enjoyed this permission, two Valencians who granted an interview in which they showed the satisfaction of being able to contemplate their babies, to be able to care for them, take care of them and also, “help the convalescent mother, as it is she who gives birth. " We regret that many parents who have had their babies in their arms a few days before the law came into force, cannot enjoy paternity leave of 15 days, it must be a situation that causes courage, not only is the father lost , also the mother and the most important, her son. The same will happen as they extend this permit as announced, in six years the paternity leave will be four weeks. Babies born after the changes are established will be the luckiest.

Video: Day two of Brett Kavanaughs Supreme Court confirmation hearing (July 2024).