Nursery schools in the arena

A nursery should be a place that provides parents with absolute confidence knowing that their children will be well cared for, caregivers and educators will be responsible for developing the social and intellectual skills that correspond to their age, will provide children with a rich and varied diet In short, they will adequately watch over them.

Yesterday we could check through the television program “Diario de… Abuse in the nursery”, as in some nurseries the children receive an old and unforgivable treatment, they are neglected, poorly fed, punished, beaten… an abuse with capital letters. Among some of the scenes we highlight the action of a caretaker who forced a two-year-old girl to eat her own vomiting.

The scenes happened in the program and those who could see it, we witnessed the horror to which the children were subjected, a hell unknown to the parents and to the children themselves, so small that they do not know what happens, they only cry disconsolate because individuals unscrupulous mistreat them, if they knew how to report ... Of course, these situations usually occur in the clandestine nurseries, in which there are unqualified staff for the care and education of children or in some Spanish toy libraries. Precisely, in the toy libraries there are no inspections because they are hidden under parameters that are far from the actions that must be performed in a nursery. A playroom is not a nursery at all and should not be used as such, but the wide hours they offer make many parents leave their children long hours in a place without guarantees.

But what we really want to highlight is an option that they showed in the report, it's about the nurseries that have surveillance cameras installed that can be consulted through the internet and check that the care that is being processed for our children is the most appropriate, it is a way to provide parents with complete confidence about the daycare.

An example is provided by the Minimus Children's Center, in these facilities children are perfectly cared for and transparency shines in all performances. They provide you with a username and password so you can access your child's class through the surveillance camera. In addition, at Minimus they give you a daily report on the activities of the day, parents participate in meetings seeking to continuously improve the system, etc.

It is certainly a role model, but its prices may not be accessible to many families, for this reason it is necessary that empower public nurseries Of which we are scarce in our country, education administrations must work much more on this issue. You can not trust strangers when it comes to the care of our children, we personally think that the use of surveillance cameras should be mandatory in all centers where they care for children, surely many of the mistreatments such as those that yesterday they broke our soul.

Video: Nursery University (July 2024).