The first hour saves lives, photo contest of the World Alliance of Breastfeeding

In Babies and more we have transmitted several news of the benefits of breastfeeding the baby, even how good it is to breastfeed in the first hour of being born. Well, this is what you want to promote World Alliance for the Promotion of Breastfeeding (WABA World Alliance for Breastfeeding Action) in a curious way.

They have organized a photo contest called “The first hour saves lives”, In which both professional and amateur photographers can participate. Ten photographers will be awarded whose work will be judged by subject, composition, creativity and technique, although we think that the prize is not important, the most important thing is to achieve your goal.

This is nothing more or less than raising awareness of those who are or are going to be mothers about how important breastfeeding is. This contest is part of the celebration of the World Breastfeeding Week that takes place every year from August 1 to 7, but the photographs will be received until March 15.

As in all competitions there are rules that limit the participants, in this case you can not present photographs that have already been published in any medium, nor can manufacturers or distributors of commercial foods or employees of the companies participate.

If you want to participate, you can find more information on the website of the organization that we link below. We would love to see the results once the contest is over, although if you want to promote breastfeeding through the network, you can send your photo to the section of this blog The photo of your baby in Babies and more.

Video: Campaign to promote exclusive breastfeeding in Zambia (July 2024).