With fatherhood, man becomes more civilized

The physical and hormonal changes are not exclusively from the mother, in the father there are also changes in the body and mind during pregnancy. A study prepared by researchers from various American universities, highlights significant changes in man with the arrival of paternity.

Paternity produces a reduction in the levels of testosterone (male sex hormone) causing them to behave in a more "civilized" way, to reach this conclusion the researchers studied the hormonal levels of 126 men between the ages of 21 and 38 years, comparing the levels of the hormone mentioned above among the three groups that were formed with the subjects, married with children, married without children and single. The result of the analysis revealed that individuals who were parents had lower levels of the hormone in question. The description of “more civilized parents”The researchers explain it as a mechanism to avoid any aggressiveness of parents against their children, the more testosterone, the more risks of aggressiveness and more sexual activity. When sexual activity is reduced, the mechanisms of nature in terms of sexual competition that guarantees reproduction are “withdrawn”, so to speak, so that the father is more participatory in the care of children.

There are several open lines of research to associate different changes in man, whether physical, hormonal or psychic, to the pregnancy of his partner, some of these investigations are being carried out with animals and show many changes, which suggests that in the Man also give.

We still have to wait some time to know all the variations that occur in the male sex for paternity, it will be interesting to know them.

Video: War on Men, Fathers, and Boys Feminism Is Out of Control!! (July 2024).