Jelly, very beneficial for children

According to the data provided by the San Juan de Dios Hospital and the Hospital of Navarra, the lesions characteristic of adults are becoming more frequent in children, such as joint, meniscus, ligament injuries, etc. This type of ailments can be remedied in a rich and simple way, administering to children jelly.

Apparently, regular consumption of gelatin can prevent such injuries in children. The jelly must be "authentic", that is, hydrolyzed collagen. This is a natural food has different properties very beneficial for the child's body due to its composition, it is ideal for the proper functioning of muscles and joints. Loaded with protein, especially collagen, it is a low-calorie, cholesterol-free and fat-free product. Its easy assimilation for the organism is a precedent that also motivates it to be included in the children's diet. Gelatin is a food of animal origin whose composition is similar to the collagen found in human cartilage, the union of this food with others that provide minerals such as calcium and vitamins C and D, allow a better function of the joints, in addition It helps prevent obesity.

Protecting the bones and joints of children is a fundamental task that we will achieve thanks to the introduction of gelatin in their diet. In the market we can find a wide range of jellies with which children will enjoy a delicious sweet snack.