What exercises to do to avoid gaining weight in pregnancy

Gaining weight in pregnancy is something that will inevitably happen because of all the changes you will present, as well as the constant and rapid growth of your baby. However, this does not mean that we must neglect and let the kilos increase more than recommended.

Exercising at this stage is something very important and also recommended for your health. Therefore, we share you what exercises can you do to avoid gaining weight in pregnancy.

Why it is important to exercise in pregnancy

Exercising in pregnancy is something is recommended and advises women. If you were already exercising, you should not quit and if you have never done so, it is a good time to start creating new and positive habits that you can show your children in the future.

Exercise in pregnancy brings various benefits for women, such as helping to reduce the duration of labor, or in the case of those suffering from obesity, this would help prevent the occurrence of some complications, such as diabetes or hypertension.

Exercises you can do to avoid gaining weight in pregnancy

While in pregnancy there are certain exercises that are not recommended, such as those that are very intense or impactful, there are others that are safe and that will help you keep obesity at bay, have good physical condition and avoid the appearance of kilos excessive

It is important to note that while exercising at this stage is recommended, certain precautions and recommendations should be followed. We share you what exercises to do to avoid gaining weight in pregnancy.


The exercises in the water are widely recommended at this stage, since being immersed in it, the weight is reduced and the body feels lighter and with the resistance of the water the risk of making very fast movements that could cause an injury is reduced.

Also, practice swimming or water sports during pregnancy, It helps prevent the body from overheating, by balancing body temperature. Other advantages of exercising in the water during pregnancy are: improved muscle tone, improved blood circulation, improved breathing and reduced pain in the lower back.


The walk is a simple exercise but it brings many benefits, and is one of the safest to do in pregnancy, because Although it continues to be an aerobic exercise, it is low impact, which makes the body not forced and easy to perform.

In addition to helping you control weight gain, walking during pregnancy has multiple advantages. On the one hand, it helps relax tensions, tone muscles and improve circulation, helping to prevent problems such as swelling of the feet or constipation.

And on the other hand, too It is very good for emotional healthWell, going for a walk helps us clear our minds, helping to keep negative moods away, such as depression.


The Pilates method is another exercise that can be practiced during pregnancy. Due to its low intensity based on harmonic movements, it is an exercise that provides many benefits for pregnant women.

Among them, is the improvement of blood circulation and muscle toning, but also practicing Pilates during pregnancy helps improve body posture, as well as to know your body better and in this way, learn to control it.


Cycling during pregnancy is a good way to exercise as long as it is not contraindicated to do so. In addition, from the fifth or sixth month, which is when the belly usually begins to bother or alter the balance, we must leave it, although we could change it for an exercise bike, taking care that the temperature of the room where we use it is not very high.

Outside these precautions, it is an excellent exercise to perform in pregnancy, because in addition to helping to avoid weight gain, it tones the muscles of the legs and going for a bike ride is a good way to get distracted and relax.


Finally, one of the most recommended exercises and according to one study, of the best and most effective to perform in pregnancy: the Yoga. In addition to all the physical benefits it provides as flexibility and improvement of muscle tone, yoga works as an antidepressant and helps reduce anxiety levels.

When doing the postures accompanied by meditations and controlling breathing, yoga favors preparation for childbirth It was found that it also helps reduce pain during childbirth and could even help reduce the likelihood of having a C-section.

Following certain precautions, such as exercising in a ventilated area, wearing fresh and light clothes, as well as staying well hydrated, exercising during pregnancy and avoiding gaining too much weight It shouldn't represent any problem.

Remember that Before starting or continuing an exercise routine during your pregnancy, you should consult your doctor to know if you are in a position to do so.

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