Breast milk prevents obesity

Our partner Eliana informed us of a study published in the electronic journal American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, this indicated that breastfeeding did not prevent childhood obesity, at least it was during previous research, which suggested that there were no differences between breastfed children and those who drank artificial milk regarding the issue of obesity.

As we always say, there is news that disorient us, because when researchers make a discovery, they lack time to communicate it to the press and do not expect to have accurate evidence to guarantee the alleged discovery.

Now scientists from the University of the Balearic Islands indicate that Obesity is prevented during breastfeeding thanks to the amount of leptin ingested, protein that is contained in breast milk. This finding has even been patented. Despite possible exceptions that may arise, as a general rule, researchers say that breastfeeding prevents obesity. It is outrageous that news is escaped in the news media indicating a resolution and later it is revoked with new discoveries.

We hope that the researchers are consistent with their studies and statements when making a statement that can influence the behavior of the population. Breastfeeding is beneficial in all its aspects and every day this fact is demonstrated and confirmed.

Video: Can Breastfeeding Reduce Child Obesity Rates? (July 2024).