Juices, great alternative to fruits

A fact that does not deserve discussion is the little predisposition that children have to eat fruit, the reality is that they eat little, instead they love to drink it. For many children a practical solution is to drink juicesIt is the best way to provide your body with the necessary nutrients that fruits contain.

As the saying goes, if you cannot with the enemy, join him, if the child prefers juice, it is interesting to take advantage of this option so that his vitamin consumption is higher. Fruits are great allies of health, even if they are squeezed. Of course, at all times we are referring to natural fruit juices.

When a certain fruit is squeezed, an orange, a tangerine, etc., part of the fiber contribution that the fruit provides is usually lost, we can supply this fiber through other foods, likewise, the juice will provide various substances such as minerals, Proteins or vitamins very suitable for the development of the child. In particular, juices made with citrus fruits are interesting, since they provide the body with large amounts of vitamin C ideal for combating some diseases or for promoting growth. Since all citrus fruits are not the same, an excellent option is to combine different fruits when making the juice.

With the arrival of the cold, an extra vitamin intake will allow your little one to stay in a good state of health. Remember that excesses are also harmful, as explained in the post Juices, its consequences on the health of your baby.

Video: Why Carrot Juice Is Great Substitute Of Fruit Juice! (July 2024).