"Mom, body alert", the video by Chrissy Teigen that shows her real appearance after childbirth

Once again social networks are super active thanks to the American model Chrissy Teigen. But this time, not because I have uploaded photos of its spectacular beauty.

The comments of support for the mother of 32 years have not stopped happening after publish a video on Twitter talking about his body as it is now, two months after giving birth to his second son, Miles Theodore.

In a short video, titled "Mom, body alert", Teigen, dressed in a bikini, shows your abdomen full of stretch marks and with some abs not too flat.

In his tweet he says:

"I guess these are not going to disappear easily," while turning a little to show more stretch marks. "This is my new body."

So if you're tired of seeing perfect bodies just a few days after giving birth, we encourage you to visualize the images of the model, very real.

mom bod alert! pic.twitter.com/Qi0BZvLmhV

- christine teigen (@chrissyteigen) July 31, 2018

A famous mom on social networks

But it is not the first time that the model speaks of her motherhood in a sincere and natural way.

Two months ago, for example, we wrote about her, on the occasion of the birth of her second child and the snapshots that showed her motherhood.

He also confessed the postpartum depression he suffered after the birth of his first daughter, Luna.

And more recently, on Instagram, we could see her breastfeeding her newborn while her sister played. Very tender and natural images. A good example for these days in which International Breastfeeding Week is celebrated.

Luna making me feed her babydoll so I guess I have twins now

Other examples in networks

Sofia Lindfors, a Swedish model and influencer, posed with her children on a bikini cover showing her cesarean scar and cellulite.

And other messages from 'less recognized' but equally relevant mothers. Like Hayley, mother of twins, who wants to make it clear that "Your body is not your work of art."

Or Elise, an Australian mother of three children, who was photographed after birth to show what a recent mother's body really looks like.

It is true that many recent mothers do not like the image of themselves that they see reflected in the mirror as soon as they are born. But we must think that The woman's body undergoes many physical changes so that a new life develops inside her.

And, after his birth, the mother has to take care of her newborn, a much more important and rewarding task than wearing a perfect silhouette.

Further, nature needs its time to regain the appearance it looked before pregnancy and the mother should not, nor can, speed up the process.

Photos Instagram Chrissy Teigen

In Babies and More "Your imperfections are perfect", the beautiful photographic project that celebrates the postpartum body, "Celebrating my postpartum", the movement on Instagram where mothers admire their bodies

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