Hunger reduces the ability to learn in children

According to a study that has been published by the World Food Program (UN body), hunger reduces the ability to learn in children. That saying that hunger sharpened ingenuity could be wrong.

As indicated in the study, hunger can lead to a delay in mental development becoming unrecoverable. The results are a lower IQ and learning capacity, an important aspect in children at certain ages. In countries where hunger is present, the IQ becomes up to 15 points below the average of the world population.

From pregnancy to early childhood, it is necessary that the child has adequate food that guarantees both physical and intellectual development, these are the stages that will determine the child's intellectual development. There are many problems that plague the children of these countries, to the food deficit we can also add another fact that predisposes the low intellect, the obligation imposed by the parents for the child to work and therefore not go to school to learn. Although the report also shows that even going to school, the lack of concentration is notorious and this is caused by hunger.

As we see, the problem of hunger has many consequences, solving this problem would change many things, both socially, economically, etc.


Video: Backpack Program Works To Reduce Childhood Hunger (July 2024).