Diary of my pregnancy: it's a girl!

Contrary to any prognosis, going through the 20th week of pregnancy they confirmed to 90% that we wait another girl.

This time all predictions failed. My mother's instinct was totally stunted by smell in this pregnancy, although in the previous one as well. It seems that I am not good as a fortune teller of the sexes.

The echo of week 16 was not right either, since what was believed to be “their parts” apparently was only the umbilical cord. And finally my mother, who is half a witch, said that her tarot cards assured her that she was a child.

Well, everyone has been wrong. The only certainty was the ultrasound of the 20th week that surprisingly for everyone, except for the father who is already building his own harem, revealed that the baby that is on the way is a GIRL. We were so taken aback by surprise that the ramblings about male names became discussions about female names, of which we had not yet considered any. (Suggestions are accepted)

I can't deny that I'm super happy to have another girl. On the one hand, with the child I was assured “the couple”, but on the other hand it will take little difference of age (25 months) with his older sister and they can be good friends, I hope so.

Hopefully the older one is not eaten by jealousy more than expected in the case not only of a baby who will take away the reign, but of "a" baby.

Anyway, at some point in my life I would like to live the experience of being the mother of a boy. Although that cannot be chosen, however much my mother in law says that if we do our homework it can be given.

The next pregnancy when everything indicates that she is a girl, maybe the boy will come. And if not, even the macho does not stop, although my husband does not support the motion.