Great Expectations: Six women, six babies, six places, six stories

This is the third and final installment of “Great Expectations”, the follow-up that has been carried out by the World Health Organization for a year to six mothers who have shared their experiences since pregnancy, birth, the first months of life with their young children.

They are currently one year old and their Mothers- Damiana de Bolivia, Samah of EgyptHiwot of Ethiopia, Renu de la IndiaBouling de Laos and Claire of United Kingdom They have celebrated the first birthday of their babies.

The children have already begun to take their first steps and say their first words. They also eat solids and four of them continue to breastfeed. Some of the parents have expressed their desire to have another child, but WHO has recommended that they wait at least another year to become pregnant again.

WHO thanks families for allowing them to show their world and readers for following these emotional stories.

These are not the only stories. How are you? There are millions of children born in different parts of the world, some in an environment full of difficulties, others fortunately in countries where living conditions are comfortable.

From Babies and more we wish these little ones a Happy Birthday and a life full of joys and health.

Video: My husband swears at 6-year-old triplets Hello CounselorENG, THA (July 2024).