Control gestational diabetes

It is often common that during pregnancy the pancreas does not produce the necessary insulin for the body, the consequence is that it increases blood glucose and diabetes occurs. An adequate diet and moderate exercise, sometimes help to treat it.

Up to 10% of pregnant women go through a gestational diabetes, this disorder occurs because of the large amounts that are produced from the placental lactogen hormone, this increases the need for another hormone, insulin, the latter is responsible for the storage of sugar from food for later use .

In some pregnant women, your body is not able to produce the insulin you need, this leads to a dangerous increase in blood glucose level, for this reason it is very important to perform the controls recommended by the specialist, both dietary habits like blood glucose This type of diabetes can help cause premature births, excessively large babies and even in some severe cases, malformations can occur in babies. For these reasons you have to try keep sugar at bay through a balanced and varied diet that also provides the necessary calories. Together with moderate physical exercises, you will normalize blood sugar levels, although if it is not possible to regulate, it is when the use of the injected insulin dose that the endocrine will recommend will intervene.

During the 24th and 28th week of pregnancy, the O'Sullivan test is performed to find out if it is prone to diabetes, doctors take a blood sample and the mother must drink a liquid with 50 grams of glucose. After an hour, they re-draw blood to measure glucose. Depending on the result, if the sugar level exceeds normal, then they will diagnose diabetes.

Specialists recommend a food intake divided into six doses, thus avoiding that sugar levels are excessively high or low. A breakfast as soon as you get up, a mid-morning lunch, lunch, a snack, dinner and finally a supplement before bedtime, such as a glass of milk. According to the specialists, it is necessary to avoid that more than 9 hours pass from the taking of the supplement before bedtime and the breakfast and to space the meals about 3 hours and a half.

The appropriate exercise will also be indicated by the doctor, since depending on your situation, he will recommend the most appropriate ones. All efforts are few when it comes to the welfare of the child and the mother, so we must try to follow the instructions of the pediatrician so that you feel good and your child feels equally well.

Video: Gestational Diabetes: Managing Risk During and After Pregnancy Video - Brigham and Womens Hospital (July 2024).