Sweets, in their right measure

All children love the sweetWhat is more attractive than some candies or the cupcakes you hide in the kitchen? They should not abuse them, but neither should they be denied.

Children need more energy than adults to meet their growth needs, and have a preference for the foods that provide that extra energy. A chocolate, muffins, those cookies that famous manufacturers disguise with their favorite drawings tempting them to consume them more. Also the manufacturers of sweets provoke the temptation with the colors of the jelly beans, making them more attractive to the eye and getting attention.

The issue is that sugar also occupies a place in children's diet, but right on, that is, you should not contribute more than 10% of the total calories ingested per day. That is why we must teach them to eat them with restraint and responsibility, maintaining good oral hygiene to prevent tooth decay. A reflex act of many parents is to offer the child a candy as a reward, but it is a mistake, they must learn that it is a food like vegetable, fish or rice, but richer.

Nor should you camouflage the food you like least with something sweet, or think about giving the pacifier smeared in sugar, honey or any other sweet.

To avoid this constant sweet tooth request, it is important that the main meals are complete, if you do not stay hungry, you will not feel the need to snack between meals. In addition, the snack, offer it in the same way as the food if you include sweets, these always at the end, because if you are satisfied, you may not have so much need to eat them and already have the necessary energy.

Video: How Much Sugar Should I Eat Per Day? (July 2024).